- How can I extend a term license?
- Can I change a single licence for portable (USB) licence?
- How can I install a single licence?
- What is a term licence?
- I have lost (destroyed) the pendrive used to install the licence. What should I do?
- Can I change a single licence for portable (USB) licence?
- Why is it necessary to wait 24 hours to move the single licence from one computer to another?
- How to move the single licence from one computer to another?
- Can I install a single licence on a server?
- On how many computers can I install a single licence?
- I have lost (destroyed) the pendrive used to install the licence. What should I do?
- Do I need to have my own pendrive to install the software?
- What is the function of a pendrive in a portable (USB) licence?
- What do I need to install and activate a portable (USB) licence?
- Can I use a portabale USB licence on more than one computer at the same time?
- Problems with retaining the current position arrow and compass
- How to display a map from DXF file
- Measurement setup – antenna height, count of epochs, point name and code, etc.
- How to display an online map from WMS, WMTS, TMS, Google Maps or Open Street Map services
- Connection of the GNSS receiver with the QuickGNSS app
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