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Innovation Voucher
Cubic Orb sp. z o.o. implements the Innovation Voucher (Bon na Innowacje) – the project co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Program Intelligent Development (Program Operacyjny Inteligentny Rozwój), the priority axis 2: Support of an environment and potential of enterprises to conduct R+D+I activities; activity 2.3: Proinnovative services for enterprises; subactivity 2.3.2 Innovation vouchers for SMEs.
The title of the project: “Implementation of the augmented reality system to optimizing and improving the quality of surveying measurements” (in Polish: “Wykorzystanie systemu rozszerzonej rzeczywistości do optymalizacji i poprawy jakości pomiarów geodezyjnych”) .
The service is performed by the Faculty of Automation, Electronic and Information Technology of the Silesian University in Gliwice (in Polish: Wydział Automatyki, Elektroniki i Informatyki Politechniki Śląskiej w Gliwicach).
The aim of the project is to create the system which uses the augmented reality technology to new applications, that is to improve the quality, optimize and partially automatize a performance of surveying measurements.
The projected effect is the computer system facilitating a surveyor’s field work comprising AR as well as artificial intelligence technologies and basing on presently applied surveying instruments.
Value of the project: 492 000,00 PLN
Contribution of European Funds: 317 050,00 PLN