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Free surveying software
Free tools
At Cubic Orb, we make your job easier in many ways, including providing free software for surveying and more! On this page you will find free surveying tools, as well as programs that will come in handy in architecture, construction and other related fields

SimGNSS is a free tool for planning field surveys using a GNSS receiver. It allows you to simulate measurements for an exemplary database of points, taking into account their order or mutual topological relationship. The result of the simulation is a RAW file that can be opened in software that generates GNSS measurement reports from files in this format. Cubic Orb guarantees the full effect when using RawGNSS. The analysis of the report will help you to plan the time for taking measurements in the field.
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Plotka is a free Cubic Orb program used to send plot files, printouts directly to a printer or plotter. The program will be useful not only to surveyors, but also to printing and reprographic companies, design offices and wherever the technique of printing to a file is used.
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ValidXML is a free program for syntax validation of XML files (including GML files). Lists all syntax errors along with the code snippet and the line number where the error is. The validation report can be saved to a text file. ValidXML has the application schemas of the applicable master map regulations. This will allow you to validate GML files, even if one file contains objects from all databases (BDOT500, GESUT, EGiB, PRG, PRPOG, BDSOG).
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